Adopted People

If you are an Adopted Adult aged at least 18 years, you have the legal right to access information about yourself before you were adopted.

  • If this is a local Health and Social Care Trust we will help you to make contact with the right Social Work Team to assist you.
  • If Family Care holds this information, we can provide you with services from support to providing non identifying background information, arranging to have letters placed on file, through to undertaking a search for your birth family member and facilitating contact and reunion where possible.
  • If you do not know your name at birth, or that of your birth mother, there is a straightforward process called 'Access to Birth Records' which you can use to access this information.
  • This will include your name at birth, your place of birth, the name of your birth mother, which Court granted your Adoption Order and when this took place.
  • Once you know your original name, you will be able to apply for an original birth certificate from the General Registrar’s Office, which may give you more details, such as an address or occupation for your birth mother.
  • Once you have identified your original birth details, or if you do already know your name at birth and that of your birth mother, your Social Worker at Family Care we will be able to look for the records relating to your adoption:
  • If Family Care hold the records we can supply you with additional background information, if we do not we can refer you to the Agency which does hold your records.
  • Once you have your birth certificate and any additional background information which can be found, you can decide whether you wish to proceed to a search for your birth family or not.
  • If Family Care hold the records, we will be able to assist you in this, if not we can refer you to the Agency which does hold your records and they will assist you.

We have Social Workers who specialise in providing services to Adopted Adults and Birth Family members, and would love to hear from you.

  • If you are an adult who was Fostered from or Raised in Care as a child, you may have found it difficult to find out about your early life.
  • We understand that you might have the same wish for birth and additional background information as an Adopted Adult.
  • You may want to know about your own history or wish to make contact with you family of Origin.

Support & Advice

If you would like any information regarding any of the post adoptive services and support we can provide, please get in touch via phone or email.


If you would like to know more about our Services to Birth Families and to Adopted Adults we have the following leaflets for your information:

Every Child Deserves a Family Life

© 2025 Family Care Adoption Services

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