Adult Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy

FCAS is fully committed to procedures and practice which promote and protect the welfare of vulnerable adults and safeguards them from harm; and operates this policy in conjunction with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Regional Adult Protection Policy and Procedural Guidance.

Responsibility for enacting the procedures to protect adults from harm caused by abuse, neglect or exploitation is principally the responsibility of Health and Social Care Trusts (HSC Trusts) and, where a crime is suspected or alleged, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

An ‘adult at risk of harm’ is a person aged 18 or over, whose exposure to harm through abuse, exploitation or neglect may be increased by their personal characteristics and/or life circumstances. Personal characteristics may include, but are not limited to, age, disability, special educational needs, illness, mental or physical frailty or impairment of, or disturbance in, the functioning of the mind or brain. Life circumstances may include, but are not limited to, isolation, socio-economic factors and environmental living conditions.

Family Care Adoption Services has a duty to safeguard the well being of all adults with whom staff members come into contact through its core, project or other associated work. All Family Care staff should be aware of their duty of care to adults at risk of harm and adults in need of protection, and of their responsibility to ensure that any allegation, concern or incident which comes to their attention must be forwarded to the local Trust Adult Protection Gateway Service.

All Social Work & Project Work Staff employed by Family Care will undertake an enhanced Access NI check and be registered with the Northern Ireland Social care Council.

All Family Care staff and management will adhere to the Health & Social Care Board for Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Operational Procedures: ‘Adults at Risk of Harm and Adults in Need of Protection’ published in September 2016.

All Family Care staff should be aware of their duty of care to adults at risk of harm and adults in need of protection, and of their responsibility to ensure that any allegation, concern or incident which comes to their attention must be forwarded to the local Trust Adult Protection Gateway Service.

  • If at any time a member of Family Care Adoption Services staff have an adult safeguarding concern or become aware of an incident or allegation, this should be immediately brought to the attention of their Line Manager or the CEO.


  • The Family Care Manager will then contact the Trust which has responsibility for the adult or in whose area the child resides.


  • Family Care staff will co-operate fully with Trust personnel and procedures in relation to the child protection concern.


  • If necessary, advice will sought from an appropriate Legal Adviser.

If there is a clear and immediate risk of harm, or a crime is alleged or suspected, the matter should be referred directly to the HSC Trust Adult Protection Gateway Service or if necessary to the PSNI.

HSC Trust Safeguarding Contact Details

HSC Trust Adult Safeguarding Contact Details

Belfast Trust                                         028 9504 1744

Northern Trust                                      028 2563 5512

Western Trust                                       028 7161 1366

South Eastern Trust                              028 9250 1227

Southern Trust                                      028 3741 2015/2354

HSC Trust Child Protection Contact Details

Belfast Trust                                         028 9050 7000

Northern Trust                                      0300 1234 333

Western Trust                                       028 7131 4090

South Eastern Trust                              0300 1000 300

Southern Trust                                      0800 7837 745

Regional Emergency Social Work Service (RESWS)

Mon-Fri 5pm-9am + Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays

Tel:                                             028 9504 9999

Support & Advice

If you would like any information regarding any of the post adoptive services and support we can provide, please get in touch via phone or email.

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