Celebrate Read a Book Day with Our Top 5 Adoption Reads for Parents

As Read a Book Day dawns upon us, Family Care Adoption Services is excited to share a heartfelt collection of books which we believe resonate with the adoption journey.

In this blog post, we’ve curated a selection of five exceptional books that will help navigate the intricate emotions and experiences that come with building families through adoption. These stories have been thoughtfully chosen to inspire, educate and provide comfort for parents, whether you are at the start of your adoptive journey or embracing the joys of parenthood!


No Matter What – Sally Donovan

This book follows the extraordinary journey of Sally and Rob Donovan, a seemingly ordinary couple whose path to parenthood takes an unexpected turn due to infertility. Donovan’s witty storytelling unveils the challenges of infertility, their decision to adopt and the intricate adoption process they navigate. Their path leads them to two young siblings in need of a home. What begins as elation transforms into astonishment as the couple uncovers the difficult past of their new children. Faced with these revelations, Sally and Rob embark on a poignant journey, offering a unique glimpse into the world of adoptive parents.


The Unofficial Guide to Adoptive Parenting – Sally Donovan

Another recommendation by Sally Donovan (We are big fans at Family Care!). In this compassionate guide, Donovan draws on her own invaluable experience to shed light on the art of being a ‘good enough’ adoptive parent. Donovan states that this book took one year to write, and eleven years of research and her dedication shines through on every page.

The authenticity of Donovan’s journey comes alive in this novel, a treasure trove of both wit and wisdom. Through relatable anecdotes gleaned from real-life moments in the Donovan houseful, the book becomes a touching testament to the challenges and triumphs of adoptive parenting. Whether it’s the everyday hiccups or the tougher meltdowns, the book serves as a close-up and personal guide, equipping readers with first-hand insights on navigating the diverse array of issues that can arise in adoptive parenting.


Creating Loving Attachments – Kim Golding and Dan Hughes

Unlocking a nurturing approach for parents and caregivers, this book introduces a powerful parenting model infused with love, play, acceptance, curiosity, and empathy (PACE) – the secret recipe for nurturing a child’s growth and building unshakeable confidence and happiness.

At its core, the PACE model, encompassing Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy, complements love in nurturing children’s confidence and security. The best of this book is that it doesn’t just explain the PACE model theory but through real-life examples and conversations, this book demonstrates how parents and caregivers can integrate PACE into your everyday moments.


A Safe Place for Caleb – K Chara and Paul Chara

A Safe Place for Caleb offers a comprehensive illustrated resource for all those dealing with attachment problems. The interactive story follows Caleb, a young boy navigating challenges in forming relationships. He discovers coping strategies on his journey to ‘the safe tree house’ where he learns the four ‘attachment healing keys’.

The second half of the book summarises current attachment science, providing assessment tools, techniques and resources for addressing attachment issues.

Rooted in psychological principals, this book is an imaginative guide for parents, professionals, caregivers and anyone facing attachment challenges.


The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting – Sarah Naish

Discover the transformative world of therapeutic parenting through ‘The A-Z of Therapeutic Parenting.’ This book delves into the nurturing parenting style which can be especially effective for children struggling with attachment issues or childhood trauma.

Within this book, you will find a comprehensive model of intervention, offering parents and caregivers clear solutions in addressing any challenges presented by their children. The structured approach of this book makes it easy to navigate a total of 60 common problems faced by parents from aggression to sleep disturbances.



10 Back to School Tips for Parents

Starting back to school can be an exciting yet nerve-wrecking time for any child, but for adopted children, the experience might come with unique challenges and emotions. As a parent, you play a vital role in supporting your child’s transition back to school. Here are 10 valuable tips to ensure a smooth and positive start to the school year.


Open Communication

Foster open and honest communications about school, addressing any worries or concerns your child might have. Create a safe space for them to express their feelings and ask questions.









Establish Routines

Consistent routines provide a sense of security. Set up a regular schedule for mornings, evenings and study time. We know this is easier said than done but predictability helps your child feel more in control and settled.









Explore Learning Styles

Identify how your child learns best – whether they are visual learners who benefit from diagrams and pictures, auditory learners who thrive through spoken explanations, or kinaesthetic learners who learn by doing.









Address Bullying and Teasing

Talk to your child about potential challenges like bullying. Equip them with strategies to handle bullying and teasing, encouraging them to assertively but calming express their feelings, set boundaries, and seek help from teachers or adults when necessary.









Collaborate with other Parents

Connect with fellow parents, both those with adopted children and others. Joining parent support groups or attending school-related events can help you build a network of understanding individuals who can offer advice and encouragement.









Encourage Friendships

Creating meaningful friendships is essential for your child’s sense of belonging and social development. Help your child by arranging/hosting playdates and encouraging participating in extra-curricular activities aligned with their interests such as trying out for a sports team or joining the school choir.









Plan Healthy Meals and Snacks

Proper nutrition is vital for optimal school performance. Pack balanced meals and snacks that include proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. These foods provide sustained energy levels and support cognitive function.









Support Emotional Regulation

Equip your child with emotional coping strategies. Teach them deep breathing techniques, mindfulness exercises, or provide them with a ‘calm down’ kit filled with items that help them manage stress or anxiety.









Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements, no matter how small! Positive reinforcement boosts their self-esteem and motivation.









Practice Patience

Understand that adjusting to school can be a gradual process, especially for adopted children. Be patient and offer reassurance as they navigate new experiences. Celebrate small victories and provide emotional support during any challenging times.









Back to school time is chance for your child to embrace new experiences, learn and grow. By implementing these tips, you will create a supportive environment that helps your child thrive academically, emotionally, and socially. Remember, your role as a parent is pivotal in guiding your child through this exciting journey.


Every Child Deserves a Family Life

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